Sitemap - 2023 - Your Branding Letter

Marketing Buddy #3: "The brand is a memorable story" with Elena Souiller-Fedorenkova

Brand Revealer #12: "Branding starts with knowing what YOU yourself long for" with Tevin Stuurland

Marketing Buddy #2: "Follow people who are doing it well" with Jim MacLeod

Brand Revealer #11: "It is often a return to simplicity" with Emmanuel Guiho

Brand Revealer #10: "The key is understanding the audience" with Kitti Majoran

Play Brands #3: Design is play

Play Brands #2: What captures play?

Play Brand #1: The Barbie wave

Brand Revealer #09: "You cannot force people to think like you want them to think about your brand" with Florence Simonne

Marketing Buddy #1: "The very idea of community is anti-AI" with Clément Le Roux

Brand Revealer #08: "Illustrations can give life to the value propositions" with Tyler Mishá Barnett

Brand Revealer #07: "Be clear on who you are, what you do and why people should care" with Zosia Swidlicka

Brand Revealer #06: "Analyse the gap between your audience and how you are talking to them" with Maud Passini

It's all about Food magnetism

Brand Revealer #05: "The difference is, whether you're the one in control of those identifiable marks" with Boris Vicanovic

Brand Revealer #04: "It is much deeper and needs to be constantly evaluated as a living breathing story" with Chelsea Alexander

Brand Revealer #03: "A process of giving meaning to something" with Teresa Ferreira

Mind business

Brand Revealer #02: "A whole world that needs to live in the consumer's mind" with Elsa Benoldi

Love brand - love & Branding

Brand Revealer #01: "Help light a fire to leverage their brand for massive growth" with ANEWBrand

Lessons on Branding I bring into 2023